Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Oh' How I Love Color!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

I’m certainly not a fan of cold winter weather, and I am SOO ready for summer time to be here, and to pull out the flip flops and patio furniture. Unfortunately since Punxsutawney Phil is predicting 6 more weeks of winter (maybe we are down to 5 ½ now!), I had to do something that makes me feel warm and brightens my spirits… this is where I choose COLOR!
Painting a room can make all the difference in the world, and to me, color is so important. Almost every room in our home is a different color ranging from yellow to blue and green to warm browns and tans. Each room has a purpose, and adding a supporting color not only makes the room feel more welcoming, but it can also lifts your spirits reminding you that you are “Home Sweet Home”. With the help of Sherwin William’s Paint Visualizer, we were able to upload photos of our rooms, and see exactly what they would look like before we spent all the money and time painting something we wouldn’t like.
Here are a few of our Before and After Photos to inspire you to go put on some old clothes, throw your hair in a pony, and act like Picasso. (Please forgive some of the furniture and décor, as we have only been in our new home 7 weeks now, and it needed a LOT of TLC!)

I hope everyone’s week is just as relaxing as Lia’s. J
~Ashleigh XoXo


  1. Looks great, Ashleigh!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

  2. Thanks so much Lauren! I can't wait to see you guys Saturday at our House Warming party. :)

  3. Ashleigh, I just LOVE your green kitchen!! It's beautiful!!!
