Are you where you thought you’d be? Are you still moving forward? Have you “settled?”
We all have dreams and visions and passions that we hope to one day accomplish. Some may want to own their own business, some might wish to be a mom, others may hope to travel the world. No matter how big or small your dreams may be, they are still YOUR DREAMS and you should do everything in your power to accomplish them. From simple observation of the people around me, I think the worst thing to think “one day” is “I wish I would have…” Unfortunately, we don’t get time back. Every day we are closer to the end than we were one breath prior, yet we still choose to push things off until tomorrow. next year. one day.
Nothing is promised, especially not tomorrow. I challenge each of you to think of what it is that you really REALLY want in life. No matter how big or how small. How can you TODAY start working to achieving that? Let’s get moving to a life of NO REGRETS!
~Ashleigh XoXo
This is my mantra! Never stop pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone--never let fear hold you back :-)