It’s amazing to see all of the accomplishments that family, friends and acquaintances around me are accomplishing. So many people are engaged (me included!!), recently married, pregnant, just had babies, completing school, earned advanced degrees, travelling to other countries, and just making their dreams come true.
I think it’s VERY easy to sit back and look at what others accomplish, and think these things are great, but unattainable for ourselves. Why do we think that?! I am the first person to cheer you on, and tell you that you can accomplish ANYTHING, but I have fear within to accomplish my own personal goals.
Well not anymore! Writing this post will help keep it real in my mind that I have my list of things that I want/WILL accomplish too!
1. Complete pre-requisites for PA (Physician Assistant) schools.
3. Get healthy (which encompasses so much…)
a. Following Weight Watchers
b. Exercising AT LEAST 3 days/ week
c. Taking care of ME! (If we can’t take care of ourselves, there’s NO way we can care for others.)
4. Embrace in family time and enjoy little moments! (This takes me back to this post about the Importance of Family.)
5. Enjoy ALL of the moments of Wedding Planning. I do understand that it’s a short event that takes a good bit of work to make “just right,” but after all the dreaming I’ve done about this day, I am EXCITED about the next year and adventures it will bring in planning. J
6. Live and LET LIVE… I plan to live my life to the fullest, and let others do the same.
My favorite quote...
~Ashleigh XoXo
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