Friday, February 17, 2012

13 Weeks Until Bikini Season

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Some of you may be ever so fortunate to live in bikini weather all year long. I, on the other hand, am not as lucky, which means there’s this time of year [NOW] where I start freaking out, because shorts and swim suit season is quickly approaching. It looks as though we have 13 weeks until Bikini Season is upon us, and thanks to a dear relative, I have borrowed their treadmill, and am starting to WORK.

30 minutes a day daily exercise is expected of us, but let’s be honest with ourselves (because ultimately WE are the only ones it’s affecting)… Who truly gets that in? So in order to be more practical, I am dedicating 15 minutes a day, twice a day, to this machine that forces we to MOVE. 15 minutes twice a day is hardly anything. Most of us hit SNOOZE on our alarm clocks, and loose those 15 minutes daily anyways… but 2 miles every day sounds good, really good. It’s SO possible; we just have to FORCE ourselves to do it. Walk in front of the TV, do lunges across your living room, SOMETHING/ ANYTHING! Just get GOING. In a little over 3 months you are going to want to look super cute at that Memorial Day party, and you know being fit will aide this process. If anything, get HEALTHY for you! Because YOU deserve it!

Healthy Tip for the Day: Surround yourself with healthy snacks.

~Ashleigh XoXo

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